So, this only a couple of months late. At least I'm doing it. Right? Here are some pictures from Christmas Day and the days surrounding it. Christmas Day we went to church and then came home to eat brunch. Then we opened presents and mostly played the rest of the day. It was just so nice having everyone here, including the Kinser's and Aunt Susan.
Wilson, the future maestro.
Janet, Nicole (playing on her new phone), and Kitty.
The kiddos enjoying Mom's new kitchen floor. They would sit on a blanket and pull each other around the kitchen. They were thoroughly entertained.
A happy Weston.
Adrin, me, and Kenneth. I'm pretty sure this was on New Year's Eve. We had a music night. Mark sang a few songs and Kenneth also dazzled us with his abilities. (These boys can SING!) I love my cuz's!
Hannah, Whit, and Hayden learning how to play Jenga. They loved it when it tipped over. Even Mike and Bryan played it with them. Super entertaining.
Hayden in his new work gear. (Can we say 'YMCA'?)
Cute Heidi in her Christmas church dress.
Another one of happy Weston.
Wils being dragged across the kitchen floor. Like I said, entertainment.