Sunday, February 10, 2008


The temple dedication was today. I just got home. I went to the 3rd of 4 sessions. President Monson wasn't in our session, like he was the other 2 before ours. They didn't say where he was. Elder Bednar, Elder Nelson, and Elder Costa (from the 70) were there. It was neat. Emotions and ideas that went through my mind were: gratitude, love, sacrifice, dedication, ancestors, eternity, Atonement, truth. It was an amazing experience. I was in one of the ordinance rooms, so I didn't get to see any of the apostles, but their strength and power were felt all over the temple.


Kristalyn said...

How wonderful that you were able to attend the dedication! I bet you are really excited to have the Rexburg temple up and running!

Jill Lewis said...

What a wonderful experience. I'm glad you were able to attend.