Friday, February 10, 2012

Drink's on Me

So, I had a meeting the other day, which is nothing out of the ordinary. It was over at the DDE Center, which is where the daycare is as well as some other programs. I was waiting in a nice, comfy chair with my drink on the table next to me. The drink was in a cup you would get from McDonald's or Wendy's, but it had ice water in it. I was sitting and reading some articles. All of a sudden, there is a little boy there, drinking my water from the straw. It was like he couldn't help himself. I about died laughing. His teacher turned bright red with embarrassment. It wasn't like she could have stopped him. I just laughed and said it's only water, then went to dump it out and throw the cup away. Made my day.


Mark & Shayla said...

That is funny. Even funnier still because I can see one of my boys doing that.

Jess said...

Ha! Love that!