Monday, September 23, 2013

Comprehensive Exams

Most PhD programs require students to take comprehensive exams.  These exams take on may forms.  Some may be a paper to be written in 2 weeks.  Some might be a grant proposal.  Mine were actual comprehensive exams.  I took 2 of the 3 required for my program.  The Human Development major had a possible of 11 theories with many additional potential applications of those theories.  The Research Methods asked about terminology and how/when certain research designs would be appropriate.  A majority of my summer was spent in studying for these two exams, which were held the Friday before school started in August.  The actual exam was 2 hours for each topic.  I basically typed like a mad woman for the entire 4 hours.  This past week, I had orals, where a committee of professors in the department ask clarifying questions.  It's been a long, tiring, and stressful process.  BUT, I PASSED!  I was told that they could easily tell that I had studied, which makes me question if other students don't study.  I was also told that I think well on my feet and that I was quick to answer in accurate ways.  It was all very supportive.  I am so glad that they are done.  I have the Family Relations minor left to take in January.  But, I think I can do it.  Thanks to all who prayed and supported me in my stressful time.  I truly appreciate it.


Mark & Shayla said...

Congrats! Was there any doubt you would do it?!

Jess said...

Congrats! You are awesome. You've always been a wonderful student. I'm excited for you!

Jess said...

Congrats! You've always been an awesome students. I'm excited for you!

nina said...

That's awesome, way to go!