Thursday, September 27, 2007


Every day when I drive home from work I see a car whose liscense plate says 3ToeJoe. I've often wondered who Joe is and how he got his 3 toes. Last night I had a bit of an experience that may suggest one reason why. I was doing my grociery shopping, trying to buy healthier food, when my pinky toe on my left foot caught on the wheel of the shopping cart. Talk about instant pain! My eyes teared up and I tried very hard not to yell, as there were shoppers only about 3 feet away from me. I didn't want to scare anyone out of the frozen food isle. It wasn't just the toe that got caught, but the nail, as well. It throbbed all night, and this morning it looks like the nail might actually fall off soon. So now I have more compassion for whoever 3ToeJoe is. Be sure to watch out for grociery carts!

Monday, September 24, 2007

A first of many

The weekend, I think, is a first of many time-consuming events. Friday evening was spent helping a friend paint at a new children's museum in town. We were supposed to go to dinner and a movie, but the painting took quite a long time. That's usually what you get when there are 5 people trying to do one job. The movie was ousted, and we just went to dinner after the painting spree. We still had a good time. Saturday was a long day. I woke up early for a literature conference we had on campus. I left early so that I could meet up with Patricia and her kids for a few hours. I would have liked to spend more time with them, but I still had a million and one things to do. From there I went to Marianne's to do laundry, prepare a lesson, and do homework. Amazingly, they all got done. For the most part, anyway. I still have homework to do, but I got a good chunk done that night. - I think the rest of my weekends during the semester will take on a similar format. Because my weeks are taken with classes, everything else gets pushed to the weekend. I wish there were 3 more hours in a day so that I could get everything done that I need to. Guess I had better start applying my time management skills. Ba humbug.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The life of a zombie

So, my life has turned into a zombie-like state where I'm walking around in a sleep-like coma wondering why I run my life the way I do. School has begun, making my time limited for sleep. I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I have institue on Wednesdays, FHE on Monday, and usually something planned for Friday. I get to read 20 novels this semester for my YA lit class, learn about DNA and genentics, and learn to apply the doctrines found in the D&C. By the time I get to bed, my brain is on overload from the day and so it takes a long time (usually over an hour) to process the day enough to fall asleep. Then, my body likes to wake up every few hours. (I'm guessing to make sure that it's still alive.) By the time the alarm goes off in the morning, I feel like I haven't had much sleep at all. Then I go to work and wish I was asleep or in class. While in class I wish I was asleep, but grateful I'm not at work. And when I am asleep, I dream of class and work. Sounds like a horror movie, huh? I think I'm starting to look like a zombie, too. Except my hair doesn't stand on end because it's too greasy (I don't have time to wash it). At the end of each day I start to wonder what I have gotten myself into. Do I really want to go to grad school? Undergrad seems bad enough. I'm too old for this. People my age usually just turn into vegitables infront of the TV. Instead, I turn into a veg at work, in class, pretty much anywhere except when it's time to sleep. Then all of a sudden the brain kicks into overdrive remembering all of the things I didn't get done that day because I forgot in my zombie-like stupor. Just a warning to all: don't expect me to be a human for the next decade. School doesn't make me feel much smarter, just more tired.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

My Labor Day weekend was full of labor. My mom came to visit and we spent a few hours 'de-junking' my apartment. We took a large load of clothes and books to DI. I will miss the books more than the clothes, I think. Having that many books makes me look smarter. After we did that, we went to Mark and Shayla's new house to drop off a chair. We then spent the rest of the day shopping. It was a full day. Sunday we went to lunch at Marianne's and dinner at Mark's. We ate very well this weekend. She went home yesterday. I was sad to see her go. She made me some of her yummy roles. I'm glad that she came and visited.