Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back at it

School is in session! It's been a weird week. It's hard to come back from a break as long as the Christmas one and get back into the swing of things. I'm still trying to remind myself that I have a whole semester to accomplish the tasks before me. It's a struggle that I have at the beginning of each one. The teachers give you a syllabus of everything you will need to do, and it's hard to tell myself it'll be okay.

I'm taking New Testament for my institute course. Brother Harding is my teacher. He began his CES career in Lovel over 20 years ago. He still has all the energy he did back then. I think it will be a great course. I have 3 classes I am taking for my master's. I don't think they'll be difficult, but they will be a lot of work. One of them is research methods. I'm not so sure about that one. It isn't my favorite subject.

I also am a TA for a class this semester. It's a little different than the one from last semester. It's the same class, just a different format. There are over 100 students in the class. I taught for the first time on Thursday. I think it went okay. I went over my alotted time, but I think the students still understood what I was trying to say. I enjoyed it. Being critiqued by the professor isn't a fun thing. I always hate being told how to improve. Not good for the ego.


Kimberly said...

That is SO cool that you are taking a class from Bro. Harding! Who'd have thought?!?! Hope your semester goes well!

nina said...

Good luck getting into the swing of things again. I always loved starting a new semester I don't know why.