Tuesday, May 12, 2009


As promised:
Hannah and Whitney doing "trickies"

Hayden wondering when he'll get to play with his gifts.

Hannah and Whitney in jammies.
Hannah, Bryan, Hayden and Chelsey

Mike, Wilson, Nicole, and Whitney


Kathy said...

Oh, how I love your little babies !!! I'm just certain that it wasn't THAT long ago that Michael and Bryan were that size - right? We missed you and your Mom in church on Sunday. Adrin did a WONDERFUL job - a real tear jerker, as usual. I think little Whitney is starting to look more like Aunt Shawnee. Give your Mom a love for me.

Linda said...

Looks like you had a mini family reunion! I didn't see you in any of the pics Shawnee.

nina said...

I love being around family too. Enjoy it while you can, it stinks having to be away from them as I'm sure you know ;)