Thursday, October 14, 2010


So I woefully stayed in Logan over the weekend instead of heading home to see family. I worked hard on my paper that was due on Tuesday. I called a co-student of mine on Monday to reschedule a meeting because I was so stressed by the paper. When I said I was stressed, she seemed confused and said, "It's only a paragraph with 3-5 references we'll use for the final paper, right?" So then I became confused. Turns out, I was looking at the requirements for the FINAL paper that's due in December, not the outline that was due this week. (In my defense, the assignment title I was going off of in the syllabus had "outline" in the title so I thought I was doing the correct assignment.) If I had gone back to the BEGINNING of the syllabus where there was a short description of the assignments, I would have read about the paragraph with 3-5 references instead of the summary I wrote of 8 references. (It would have been 10 except I quit after talking with my friend.) So, in other words, I stayed in Logan to write a paper that wasn't due instead of going to visit family. I was SO not happy when I found this out. On the bright side, I guess I'm a little further along on the paper than I would have been....

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