Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Memories: Hugging it Out

I know my mom hates when I post stories like this, but I think it shows how creative she was as a parent. I have a brother that's less than 2 years younger than me. We were pretty good friends until we decided to become enemies. I'm pretty sure we argued over everything, just like most siblings do. There were a few times we even got physical and fought it out. (That stopped once I he got bigger than me.) I'm sure we drove our parents nuts with everything we fought about. One time my mom got so fed up with us that she set the timer and made us hug for 5 minutes. She said that every time we moved or said something mean she would add time. I'm not sure how long we ended up standing there hugging. I use the term 'hug' loosely because we were barely touching each other. I think it was a good method of punishment. I sure didn't want to have to stand in the kitchen hugging it out any more.


Suzette said...

That's an awesome strategy. I can just picture that.

Steph said...

LOL...that's great!

tapname said...

We had to do the same thing. I remember "hugging" my sisters often. I remember people asking if we ever fought. We just laughed because we did fight at home just not in public.