Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Choir, Choir, Choir

It seems the last couple of days has been taken up by Institute Choir. As mentioned in previous posts, my classes really don't start until tomorrow. Tonight was the huge (500 people) practice for the choir. We are singing at the CES fireside on Sunday, September 13. Be sure to watch on BYU-TV. I'm sure I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the old one. ;)

I played for one of the choirs today. I won't be able to do it on their other day because of a class, but it was fun today. I'll also be playing the organ on Fridays for devotionals. I promised my mom I would get active in institute, and I believe I have. I also have a regular class that I will attend on Wednesday nights, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I took it at BYU, but can always, always learn new things.

One thing I forgot to mention in my post yesterday is that after choir I went to visit one of the institute teachers, John Harding. He taught seminary in Lovell over 20 years ago. People still talk to him so when I saw him on the list of teachers, I thought I'd go say hi. His expression was priceless when I told him who I was. I was only 9 when they moved away, but he remembered a lot about the family and Lovell. Everyone knows someone from the Big Horn Basin!

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