Monday, August 24, 2009

The First, With MANY More to Come

Today was the first day of school. Originally, I only had 2 classes. On Friday during orientation, they told us newbies of another one that meets on Mondays. So, I headed up to campus around 10 a.m. and parked in the stadium parking. USU is awesome in that they offer shuttle services all over campus, pretty much any time of the day. The campus isn't all that big, but it's on a hill, so it seems big. I rode the shuttle up to campus, saw the institute building, and headed that direction. Good that I did. I saw that they have a choir on MW, so I signed up. Wahoo! I haven't been in a choir in a long time. I may even get to accompany once in a while.

My "real" class was before choir. It's an intro to the program. Sounds like it will be insightful and helpful. I'm still wondering how I got into the program. There are about 15-20 TOTAL who got admitted this year between the masters and PhD programs. I'm not sure how many applied, but I'm surprised that I'm here. Should be interesting, to say the least.

I got home about 3 hours later than I had originally planned because of choir. I then met my friend Jessica for lunch/dinner at Taco Bell. Overall, it's been a good/long/productive day. Tomorrow I'm going to the other section of choir to see if they need an accompianist, but that's all that's planned. Trying to get a head start on reading for one of my courses...don't know how helpful that will be, but I've got nothing better to do at this moment. (I'm sure I'll look back and this and wish I had done 100 other things, had I known what was coming.)


nina said...

How exciting. I'm kind of jealous, I always wanted to live in Utah. Hope you have a great semester!

heidi_eatschuno said...

I loved USU I hope that you love it also.

Janet said...

sounds like things are going right along. and it's nice to hear excitement in your writing.